Monday, July 22, 2019

John Deitz-3rd Great Grandfather

Family History Research
Repinski Family Tree
Deitz Family Branch
John Deitz-3rd Great Grandfather

Today, July 22nd, 2019 is the birthday of my 3rd Great Grandfather.
He would have been 195 years old.

John immigrated from Germany before 1851 but I am unsure of the year as I have not found a record of his immigration or naturalization as a citizen of the United States.
John was a veteran of The Civil War fighting on the side of the Union.
John was also the ancestral great grandfather of quite a few people.

A little of the life of John F Deitz Senior follows:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Patrick Swayze-Cousin Of The Month

Family History Research
Repinski Family Tree
Deitz Family Line
Line One: Repinski-Deitz-Pope-Jenney-Eyre
Line Two: Line two: Repinski-Deitz-Pope-Smith-Craighead-Hart-Stewart

Patrick Wayne Swayze-15th Cousin

Growing up in the 1970s, one of my favorite books was "The Outsiders" and I read it with a fervor....and not that many books in my early teen years captured my attention long enough to read them from cover to cover. 

A few years in to the future, this book would be made into a movie that would be the start of the career of a young actor by the name of Patrick Swayze.
Years later I would meet him in of all home town and many years after his death, I would discover that we are kinfolk to one another through one of my mom's family lines back to Colonial New England and Great Britain.

Following is a story of my chance encounter back in the 1990's with a pretty cool Hollywood actor, memories of a part of my childhood and the research of a family line that led to the discovery a few yeas ago that this man is also a distant cousin of myself and my siblings through one of our mother's family tree branches.  
If I only knew then what I know now.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Henry Allen Pope-2nd Great Grandfather

Family History Research
Repinski Family Tree
Deitz-Pope Family Line
Henry Alan Pope-2nd Great Grandfather

We all have 16 second great grandparents. Without those 16 souls, we would not exist. 

Today is the birthday of one of those 2nd great grandfathers that was responsible for part of myself and my siblings and their children through our mother, Marlene Deitz Repinski.

It is through Henry and his daughter Grace's (my great grandmother) lines that I discovered my family ancestry to my 11th Great Grandfathers Isaac Allerton and Richard Warren who traveled to across the vast Atlantic Ocean from England to North America in the year 1620 on the famous Mayflower and who helped lay the foundation for what would one day become the United States of America.

Henry Allen Pope would have been 157 years old today.
Happy 157th Birthday Grandpa.

A brief sketch of the life of my 2nd Great Grandfather, Henry Allen Pope and his parents and his descendants follows: