Tuesday, November 13, 2018

My Family Tree Discoveries-A Never Ending Quest

Family Tree History & Research
Growing My Tree and Tracing the Branches
New Discoveries

It has been a little more than two years since I discovered my Mother's ancestry from her Dietz and Pope family lines back to Plymouth and Colonial New England and England and Europe. Before that I had discovered Repinski and Dulek family lines that took me back to the 1700s of Poland and Germany with my paternal lines.

I have been working on finding out as much about all of the branches of all of these amazing lines (and unknown to my immediate family until my discoveries) that are part of this tree since then.

It has and continues to be a thrilling journey and the histories and how they connect to the history of our world are at times mind boggling.

Here on this page I shall try to record the ancestors I am discovering and the cousins that we share as a part of all of these lines and it is my hope that I can write stories on each and every one of them and in the process get to know who these people from the past and who live now are.

My reasons for doing this are two fold..
1.To know and have a written record of my family history for myself.

2.To have an enduring record for my siblings and their children and their descendants.

Each day that I dig into the branches I discover at least two to four more ancestral great grandparents and relatives and though not always, the stories of their lives.

This post will be updated often.....

December 21, 2018

Today I was reminded of the birthday of my 3rd great uncle Sidney Smith of Providence Rhode Island. Sidney was born on 12/21/1844. Happy Birthday Uncle Sidney.....
Sidney Smith

December 12th, 2018:

While researching for my latest post on my 9th Great Grandfather, Edward Gove, I came across the family notes about his mother, Olive Law Gove (my 10th great grandmother). In the notes was also her cause of death....

So Neuralgia is one of the symptoms of MS which I was diagnosed with in 2008. The doctors were always asking me if there was any family history of MS related symptoms and I didnt know of anyone suffering from any of the symptoms.
With my 10th great grandmother, Olive, I finally have at least a little idea of where my illness may have came from. Kind of weird to find this through family history research.

November 20th, 2018:

Edward Gove (9th Great Grandfather)
Tried an Convicted of High Treason for Rebellion against New Hampshire Governor in 1683
Post to follow....

November 12th, 2018:

I received an email the other day from a cousin I never knew existed from my Dietz family line.
The email:
My name is Katrina Dietz McCarty. I believe we are family. I am the great grand daughter of Walter Dietz of Rice Lake. He was the son of Henry Dietz Sr. Walter was married to Norma Dietz, had daughter Arjill Dietz, who had my father Kim Dietz. I don't really know any of the Dietz Family so I am enjoying looking into the family history!

Hope all is well,


I responded to Katrina's email, introducing myself and telling her a bit about some of my discoveries on my (and hers) Dietz family lines. I hope to find out a bit more about my 2nd great uncles Walter and Katrina's branch of the family

November 7th, 2018:

William Seymour
19th Great Grandfather
William Seymour-Geni profile

St. Arnulf, Bishop of Metz
39th Great Grandfather
Arnulf Geni profile


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