Isadore Smith Pope
2nd Great Grandmother
While looking back into the old Family Tree I often find ancestors who's life and ancestry's stick with me long after I have discovered them and read their stories. One of my 2nd Great Grandma's is one of these people. She died young as did alot of my ancestors on my mother's side and she would only know her daughter for a short while before she passed away.
Isadore Smith Pope had a short life but it seemed like a life of plenty and a life of love.
Meet Izzie Smith Pope.....
From this woman we get even more of our English blood and almost all of our Scottish DNA.
Our 2nd Great Grandmother (and 3rd Great Grandma to my nieces and nephews) was born 163 years ago in Belmont (Lafayette County) Wisconsin on October 2, 1859.
Her parents were Edward Y Smith and Elizabeth Moyes.
Edward and Elizabeth were married Dec. 2nd 1853 in the town of Lisbon (Waukesha County)and would have a total of 9 children including our Izzie.
Izzy was born when Edward was 26 and Elizabeth was 25.
Izzy's Parents and Siblings
Siblings (9)
Izzy was a pure bred British woman, her father Edward descending from Colonial New England stock from The original settlers of Martha’s Vineyard off of Cape Cod Mass. and her mother, Elizabeth Moyes, a Scottish immigrant, having sailed from the British Isles with her parents as a child.
She was raised on the family farm in Southeastern Wisconsin in Sussex with her 8 siblings.
Isadore would meet and marry Henry Pope in 1887 at the age of 25.
Henry also was descended from the original settlers of Colonial New England, having numerous ancestral great grandparents who were passengers on the famous Mayflower and who would later be called “The Plymouth First Comers” and later called “The Pilgrims”.
One of Henry's ancestors was a man named Thomas Pope. Much is written about Thomas in the history of New England and he was considered one of the original settlers of Dartmouth and Fairhaven Mass.
Izzie and Henry settled in the Waupaca Wis. area on part of what was called "The Pope homestead" where Henry engaged in farming with his father Thomas Paschal Pope and Thomas’ brothers and many cousins on the massive Pope family farmstead.
Izzie and Henry would have one child, our great grandmother, Grace Pope, in the year 1891, who would go on to marry our great grandfather Henry Dietz.
From Grace would come our grandfather, Raymond Dietz and then our mother, Marlene Grace Dietz Repinski.
Isadore Sofron Smith Pope died in March 3, 1906 at the age of 47 when Grace was 15 years old and 2 years later, Grace would get a stepmother when Henry remarried to a woman named Elsie Albertson.
Isadore Sofron Smith Pope is buried in the Pope family plot in Greenvale Cenetery in Brlmont, Portage County, Wisconsin.
Our Family Line To Isadore Smith Pope
1. Jane, John, James, Jacklyn & Jeff are the children of
Marlene Grace (Dietz) Repinski (1936-1999)
Marlene is the
daughter of
Raymond Harold Dietz (1912-1973)
Raymond is the
son of
Grace Elizabeth (Pope) Dietz (1891-1963)
Grace is the
daughter of
Isadora S. (Smith) Pope (1859-1906)
Sources and Further Reading
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